Saturday, May 10, 2008

minus five inches of hair = cathy, green with anger

i went in to get my hair cut today. normally, i would cut my own hair (this is attributed to being a college student/intern that would rather spend money on greater luxuries such as food, gas and coffee), although, i'm usually content with my novice cutting skills. however, i'm stressed, so i needed this hour of being spoiled.

i walk in to my usual place, okay, the last time i walked though those doors was when i walked out from my last haircut over a year ago....anyways, i walk in and tell the available stylist that i ONLY want half an inch off the ends. she then asks me "layers?" i then reply "no. no layers". perfectly understandable, she was just being cautious that i either did or didn't want layers.

she washes my hair, then walks me over to her chair, i sit and wait for my garbage-bag-esque shawl and am suddenly pricked by several stray hairs left over by her previous victim. whatever, i really didn't give a shit and brush em' aside. then i close my eyes and fall asleep while she cuts my hair. something about another person handling my hair/head aids an immediate comfort to me. kinda like being shoved back into the womb, and retreating in the momentary comfort of warmth and unconsciousness. (sorry, just keepin' it real) back to the story. she taps me on the shoulder and asks if i'm content with my new hairdo, i thrust myself back to reality and open my eyes, and the first word that comes to mind is "fuck".

she gave me fucking layers. she thinned out my hair and i'm pissed. i know, this is such a petty thing to agonize over, but fuck!!!! hair is a part of an individual's identity, and at this current state, my hair doesn't symbolize me. i'm mad, so mad that if i was the hulk, i would be a large green man raiding a cupcake shop for all of its delights....then i would repulsively scarf down those fuckers in front of the employees and patrons. however, my consciousness would get the best of me, and i would cower in shame for hogging all of the cupcakes. after sulking in self loathing, i would get my green ass behind the counter and bake for the store's employees and all of its patrons.

wow, i'm suddenly not that hair will grow back.